Helpful Links

Canine Exercise Program
Canine Exercise Solutions
We have partnered with Canine Exercise Solutions to provide exercise videos combined with pictures and written instructions. Your CRNY therapist will add special instructions to fully customize your dog’s rehabilitation program.
Not in the NYC area?
Find a certified canine therapist or practitioner near you.

Canine Rehabilitation Institute

American Association of Rehabilitation Veterinarians

Pet Supplements
Osteo TruBenefits
Osteo TruBenefits is a pure nutraceutical product containing bioactive glycoprolex, which has shown to protect joint cartilage. Derived from green-lipped mussel extract (GLME), Osteo TruBenefits provides better joint health and support, eases joint stiffness due to normal daily exercise and activity, helps maintain and support cartilage and connective tissue, and enhances subchondral bone health.

Canine Omega Benefits
Essential Fatty Acids, like Canine Omega Benefits, enhances joint health from two different but complementary mechanisms. Depending on your dog’s size, one bottle may last you from 30 to 180 days. For cats, one bottle will protect their joints for a full year. These supplements are an additional way to help promote stronger and more fluid joints.

Adequan Canine
Adequan® Canine (polysulfated glycosaminoglycan) is the only FDA-approved disease-modifying osteoarthritis drug (DMOAD) that inhibits cartilage loss in the dog’s joints, and may help to restore joint lubrication, relieve inflammation, and renew the building blocks of healthy cartilage.

Pet Products
Boots and Socks:

Power Paws Socks
Non-slip dog socks that provide traction to improve overall mobility and quality of life

Pawz Rubber Dog Boot
Rubber dog boots that provide traction and protect your dog’s paws against exposure to extreme weather conditions that can damage the health of your pet.


Help-Em-Up Harnesses
Easy to use full-body lifting device for pet parents to safely assist dogs with mobility problems such as muscle loss, arthritis, and surgical repairs.

Wheelchairs and Assistive Devices:

Walkin’ Pets by
Fully adjustable dog wheelchairs that will help your pet live a long active life.

Eddie’s Wheels
Customized dog wheelchairs to improve mobility and quality of life.

Custom Bracing, Prosthetics, and Orthotics:

Animal OrthoCare
Custom and semi-customized orthotics, prosthetics and braces to reduce pain and improve mobility.

Custom soft braces and splints made to reduce pain, support injured limbs, & improve mobility.

Improves pet’s quality of life through innovative custom orthotics, prosthetics, and assistive devices.